Windows VR 头显将会引入67个应用配合使用

vr2Vr2 2017-8-29 386 0

微软今天宣布了一系列关于即将推出的Windows VR 头显相关的信息,宏碁、戴尔、惠普和联想的Windows VR 头显将从本季度开始上市,价格400美元起。同时,HoloLens 首席发明家和项目负责人Alex Kipman表示Windows VR 头显可与至少67个应用配合使用。


Ark Park Life VR
Ancient Amuletor VR Littlstar
Arizona Sunshine Luna
Arte 360 VR Made in Holo
Baobab Map Design Lab
Bigscreen Melody VR
Bombu Minecraft
Bullet Sorrow VR Next Reality
Dark Legion NextVR
Defend the Bits Obduction
Dreadhalls Orange
Microsoft Edge Rec Room
Esper Recordbay
Fantastic Contraption The Rose and I
Felix & Paul Studios Ryot
Floor Plan Sky VR
Fly VR Skyworld
Galaxy Explorer Sony Pictures
Halo Space Pirate Trainer
Hello Mars Resolution
Heroes of the Seven Seas Superhot VR
Hololux Tee Time Golf
Holo Tours Teot
Hulu Ultrawings
I Expect You to Die Universe Sandbox
Inception VR vTime
InVokeR Eternity Warriors VR
Jaunt Wevr


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